Kevin S. Bright

Director, Executive Producer

72 movies since 1995


2006 - Joey > Season 2 > Joey and the Wedding
- Joey > Season 2 > Joey and the Actor's Studio
- Joey > Season 2 > Joey and the Dad
2005 - Joey > Season 2 > Joey and the Bachelor Thanksgiving
- Joey > Season 2 > Joey and the Sex Tape
- Joey > Season 2 > Joey and the Poker
- Joey > Season 2 > Joey and the Stuntman
- Joey > Season 2 > Joey and the Spanking
- Joey > Season 2 > Joey and the Big Break (2)
- Joey > Season 2 > Joey and the Big Break (1)
- Joey > Season 1 > Joey and the Spying
- Joey > Season 1 > Joey and the Wrong Name
- Joey > Season 1 > Joey and the Premiere
2004 - Joey > Season 1 > Joey and the Plot Twist
- Joey > Season 1 > Joey and the Road Trip
- Joey > Season 1 > Joey and the Nemesis
- Joey > Season 1 > Joey and the Student
- Joey > Season 1 > Pilot
- Friends > Season 10 > The Last One (Part II)
- Friends > Season 10 > The Last One (Part I)
- Friends > Season 10 > The One With Phoebe's Wedding
- Friends > Season 10 > The One Where The Stripper Cries
2003 - Friends > Season 10 > The One With The Home Study
- Friends > Season 10 > The One After Joey And Rachel Kiss
- Friends > Season Nine > The One in Barbados (Part I)
- Friends > Season Nine > The One in Barbados (Part II)
2002 - Friends > Season Nine > The One With Christmas In Tulsa
- Friends > Season Nine > The One With Rachel's Other Sister
- Friends > Season Nine > The One With The Male Nanny
- Friends > Season Nine > The One Where No One Proposes
- Friends > Season Eight > The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (2)
- Friends > Season Eight > The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (1)
- Friends > Season Eight > The One With The Baby Shower
- Friends > Season Eight > The One With The Birthing Video
- Friends > Season Eight > The One With The Secret Closet
2001 - Friends > Season Eight > The One With Monica's Boots
- Friends > Season Eight > The One With The Stain
- Friends > Season Eight > The One with the Videotape
- Friends > Season Eight > The One After I Do
- Friends > Season Seven > The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding (Part II)
- Friends > Season Seven > The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding (Part I)
- Friends > Season Seven > The One With Chandler's Dad
- Friends > Season Seven > The One With The Cheap Wedding Dress
- Friends > Season Seven > The One With Joey's New Brain
- Friends > Season Seven > The One Where They're Up All Night
2000 - Friends > Season Seven > The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs
- Friends > Season Seven > The One With Monica's Thunder
- Friends > Season Six > The One with the Proposal (Part II)
- Friends > Season Six > The One with the Proposal (Part I)
- Friends > Season Six > The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.
- Friends > Season Six > The One Where Chandler Can't Cry
- Friends > Season Six > The One With the Apothecary Table
1999 - Friends > Season Six > The One With the Routine
- Friends > Season Six > The One Where Ross Got High
- Friends > Season Six > The One After Vegas
- Friends > Season Five > The One in Las Vegas (2)
- Friends > Season Five > The One in Las Vegas (1)
- Friends > Season Five > The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey
- Friends > Season Five > The One With Chandler's Work Laugh
1998 - Friends > Season Five > The One with All the Thanksgivings
- Friends > Season Five > The One Hundredth
- Friends > Season Five > The One After Ross Says Rachel
- Friends > Season Four > The One with Ross's Wedding (I)
- Friends > Season Four > The One with Ross's Wedding (II)
- Friends > Season Four > The One with all the Haste
- Friends > Season Four > The One with the Embryos
1997 - Friends > Season Four > The One where Chandler crosses the Line
1996 - Friends > Season Three > The One with the Football
- Friends > Season Three > The One with the Jam
1995 - Friends > Season Two > The One with Phoebe's Dad
- Friends > Season Two > The One Where Heckles Dies
- Friends > Season 1 > The One where Rachel finds out
11 movies since 1994

Executive Producer

2003 - Friends > Season 10
2002 - Friends > Season Nine
2001 - Friends > Season Eight
2000 - Friends > Season Seven
1999 - Friends > Season Six
1998 - Friends > Season Five
1997 - Friends > Season Four
1996 - Friends > Season Three
1995 - Friends > Season Two
1994 - Friends > Season 1
- Friends > Season 1 > The One where Monica gets a Roommate