

Vote on the quality of a movie

Every user can vote on the quality of a movie. However, you have only one vote per movie. The results of the votes are saved and displayed under Reviews. Here you can get different statistics about the votes about a movie.

Independent of the individual votes is the sorting of the movies by popularity. The sorting calculates the number of clicks per visitor and compiles the most popular movies in a Ranking.

Vote on categories

If you have chosen to register, omdb offers you the possibility to vote on already assigned categories. With a click on “vote” in the category overview of a movie, the dialog for voting on categories opens. You will see behind each category the possibility to vote for it with Yes or No.

So, for example, if you think that Indiana Jones et la Dernière Croisade is more of an adventure film than a comedy, you can confirm the category adventure film with Yes; you would then have to rate the category comedy accordingly with No and thus devalue it. Keep in mind, however, that a category with 0 votes will be removed from the list. The more categories are voted on, the more the main categories crystallize.

Vote on plot keywords

If you have chosen to register, omdb offers you the possibility to vote on already assigned plot keywords. With a click on “vote” in the keyword overview of a movie, the dialog for voting on the keywords opens. You will now see behind every single keyword the possibility to vote on it with Yes or No.

So, for example, if you think that the plot of the movie King Kong can be well represented with the keywords “New York”, “Exotic island” and “Gorilla”, you should confirm them with a Yes. You can devalue keywords that you think have been assigned inappropriately with a No. However, keep in mind that a keyword with 0 votes will be removed from the list. The more votes are cast on keywords, the more the main keywords will emerge.