omdb pages about categories
Besides articles about movies, you can also write articles about categories. Categories are groups of movies to which movies can be assigned based on common characteristics. They offer the possibility of arranging the large number of movies and thus making them clearer. To learn what categories are in omdb and how they are structured, please see What are categories?.
The structure of a page about a category
- An image for the category can be uploaded on the left side of the page. If subpages exist for this page, the names of the subpages are displayed on the left.
- In the center of the page you can enter a short description of the category and write an article about the category. You also have access to the “Movies” and “Stats” tabs. Under the “Movies” tab you will find all the movies that have been assigned this category. The “Stats” tab shows the relevance of this category in omdb.
- The right part of the page offers an overview of selected films that have been assigned this category. The “Dependent categories” overview is particularly important. Since categories in omdb are structured hierarchically, the next higher and the next lower hierarchy level is displayed there. For example, for the category Crime, the next higher category would be Genre and the lower categories would be Detective Film, Gangster Film, Mafia Film and Police Film. More branched categories are not visible, e.g. the category Yakuza Film, which is a subcategory of mafia films. You can also name possible synonyms for the categories (see: Add synonyms).